Hands on Health Australia (HoHA) offers complementary health treatments to the sick, unemployed, disabled, aged and disadvantaged. Our volunteer practitioners offer Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Massage, Myotherapy, Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Counselling and Acupuncture. Some clinics also offer legal advice, hairdressing and beauty.
We have 12 volunteer community clinics in Australia and 4 international treatment and training programs. Around 30,000 people are reached per year, delivering around 10,000 treatments through the collective efforts of up to 500 HoHA volunteers.
HoHA can offer students short or long term clinical placements under supervision in clinics both in Australia and overseas. Students have been offered student placements in Australian clinics since 1993 and overseas intensives since 2011. Students are offered the opportunity to work in a community clinic setting with experienced practitioners and mentors